So, today we had a visit with Dr. Harris, but not much new to report. She weighed and measured; and we listened to his heart, which was 147 bpm. We just finished our last round (hopefully) of antibiotics; so they’ll check for the bacteria next time we go. Let’s hope that the pesky germ will finally be gone! Also, I’ll have more blood work at my next visit, as ordered by Dr. Jaekle. She said I’ll have these randomly, sort of like “pop quizzes”. He also put me on some additional vitamins that are supposed to help with thinning my blood even more so than the regular low-dose aspirin, which I’ll continue to take as well. One final note on our visit – our AFP screen came back normal, which we were relieved to hear.
Alright, now onto daycare, this has become a big topic of discussion in our household lately. We really don’t have any firm plans yet and are looking at all available options. Right now we’re just trying to get on waiting lists, which is looking like I won’t be able to go back to work for a year or two after Trace is born, because these are some serious lists! We’ve been on a list at LSU for over a year now and they still can’t tell us when or if we’ll be accepted until after we deliver. We visited two new places this morning and went on tours of their facilities. UPC on campus seemed like a good option until we went there today and waited a half an hour for the lady to tell us to come back in February to get put on a list. Plus, the lady was kind of rude, so I’m gonna go ahead and rule them out. Then we went over to Country Day School on Highland and Kenilworth , which we liked and it seemed nice; but their waiting list is booked until March 2008. They told us they have another location on North Blvd., which is in our neighborhood; so we’re going to check that place out on Friday. Plus, their list is a little shorter. We also plan on taking a tour of the LSU facility and Parkview’s preschool on Friday, which by the way, also has a waiting list of at least 2 years! So, if you know of anyone in a good daycare or if you have some alternative suggestions, we’re interested!
Thanks so much for the prayers, happy thoughts and encouragement. We love you all!