Maw Maw and Rhi Rhi were able to find decorations from Trace's favorite TV show for the party: Blue's Clues. Ashley had wanted to make Trace a Blue cake, but we had trouble finding decorations. Grandmaw to the rescue - and Houma having outdated birthday party characters :) - and the Blue's Clues party was on.
Here's the awesome Blue cake. She even dyed the cake batter blue:

Trace and Emma enjoyed swimming in the pool (until someone had a little accident in it). I'm not going to name any names, but his name rhymes with Race. The funny moment is captured on video with an unknowing dad and Pop wondering how that "sand" got in the pool. But a quick water change, and the pool was as good as new. Due to the incident, the culprit enjoyed running around in his birthday suit and getting hosed off. Surprisingly (or should it be not surprisingly?), this moment would be recreated after his Baton Rouge birthday the next week. More on that to come.
Trace got lots of presents including a Powerwheels F-150, a toy 4-wheeler, Blue's Clues DVD, a fishing pole, clothes, a toy helicopter, some cash and a few other things. He enjoyed picking at the cake icing after we sang Happy Birthday and liked the attention given to the birthday boy.
Here are a few more pictures from the party:
Wating for the party to start: